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Craft online, receive via email (PDF), print, or save your will securely and conveniently.

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Protect your assets. Don't lose money to the government. Create your will today, its free.

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If you don’t have a Will when you pass away, your estate might not end up where you want it. Instead of your loved ones getting what you intended, the courts and laws decide and if there’s no clear heir, the government might swoop in and take it all.

And if you’ve got kids who are still minors, things get even messier. Without a Will, the courts pick guardians for them, which might not be who you’d want. This can lead to fights and more legal bills, eating into what you wanted to leave behind.

Creating a Will is crucial. It guarantees that your desires are honored, your family is looked after, and you avoid bothersome legal troubles. It’s about safeguarding your legacy and providing peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones..


Personal Representative
A Will designates your estate's controller after death (Executor/Trustee/Personal Representative).
Your Beneficiaries
A Will specifies estate beneficiaries, determining who receives your assets after your passing.
Estate Expenses
A Will reduces estate costs; without one, the Court appoints an Administrator, incurring unnecessary expenses.

Is My WIll Really FREE?

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  • We don’t ask for your credit card
  • We rely on your support to remain sustainable
  • Your free will is funded by past users who paid it forward
  • Please click below to leave a gift on our secure server
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